How many days in the past do you cover?
By default, we get all unarchived tickets from Zendesk which are technically tickets from the last 120 days. The trial covers 5 last days only. Contact us if you want to discuss your custom data import requirements.
How do you define the final pricing of Macros Reporting?
We calculate it based on the average monthly ticket volume in your account which is processed to get reports data.
Do you store our comments and customers' data by processing?
No, we don't store and don't need them for Macros Reporting. We store just events of macros usage and their general attributes.
How often do you refresh the data?
We do automatic syncing every 3 hours or 24 hours (depending on your plan). You can also update the data manually upon request.
Who has access to Macros Reporting?
You can configure access to any agent (check app settings page as you do it for other apps in your Zendesk).
We have a lot of tickets and high macros usage. Does your reporting work fast?
Sure! We have clients with thousands of macros and hundreds of thousands of tickets per month who enjoy our app without any loading issues.